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Sound Healing & Therapy Yoga Class Online

Immerse in the Healing Power of Sound

Sound is a pure and powerful force. Some songs have great emotional value for us while noise and loud sounds can wreak havoc on our ears as well as our sense of peace.  As acknowledged by Einstein himself, sound, specifically music, filled him with more pleasure than any other thing in life. “Everything in life is vibration,” he said.

By harnessing the miraculous power of this force, sound therapy was born and its benefits are multifold.

Passed down from ancient monks and scholars through sacred texts, sound healing techniques have been used to heal people for centuries. By gaining more traction in recent psychological and neurological studies, they are now being accepted as a natural remedy for the modern lifestyle.

So if you’re wondering “how can I heal myself with sound” or “is sound healing effective?”, please read our answers to the questions that we get asked very often. 

Sound Healing FAQ – The Panch Kosha

What is sound healing therapy?

Sound healing therapy is the practice that involves using different sounds and sound-based vibrations to improve your health and well-being. The vibrations (vocal or instrumental) used during these sessions have positive effects on us at the psychological, cellular, and even spiritual levels. 

Can vibrations heal?

We know that sound is produced by vibrations in materials, which create movement in surrounding air particles called molecules. When these vibrations reach our ears we hear the sound. 

Researchers have found that vibrations have healing powers. All sorts of vibrations including electromagnetic, sound, or light can be effective in curing health problems.   

How does sound affect the body?

Sounds affect us both physically and psychologically. Here is one example. It’s a no-brainer that noise (like road traffic noise) gives us stress. But how does that happen? When we are exposed to noise, our body experiences some neurochemical reactions that are not good for our health. 

Certain hormones that are known as “stress hormones” like adrenaline and cortisol are released more by our body and it may lead to life-threatening illnesses like hypertension and heart disease. 

In the same way, good sounds (like those used in sound therapies) can help reduce stress hormones and improve our well-being.  

Which frequency is best for healing?

There are different frequencies of sounds that are beneficial for healing in different ways. For example, 174 hz solfeggio frequency can help in relieving pain and the 432 Hz frequency is proven to be helpful in lowering the heart rate, and blood pressure. Which healing frequency will be the best for you depends on the unique requirements of your mind, body, and spirit.

What do you do at a sound healing session?

During a sound healing session, also called a sound bath, you comfortably lie down on a yoga mat or a massage table, and simply listen to the soothing sounds played by a sound healing practitioner. 

You can expect a variety of Himalayan or Tibetan instruments like Gongs, tuning forks and Tibetan singing bowls, which can have powerful healing effects. 

What does a sound bath do?

A well-guided sound bath will make you feel more relaxed and rejuvenated. It will offer excellent benefits besides soothing your nervous system, letting you connect with your body in an incredible way.  

What is a gong sound bath?

Gong baths are a type of passive meditation, where you loosen up and ‘bathe’ yourself in the soothing sounds of gongs. Gong bath healing has been practiced since ancient Egyptian, Greek, and Roman periods.

What do you wear to a sound healing session?

Loose, soft and comfortable clothing is an ideal choice for a sound bath. Vests, tops coupled with pajamas, sweatpants, jumpsuits or leggings, whatever you choose, remember that the more comfortable you feel, the more effective the session will be. Please avoid wearing black. Black clothes absorb all the wavelengths of light so it is often associated with negativity particularly when it comes to holistic therapies. Lighter shades are preferred,  white or green are among the more suitable colours for a healing session.

How can I heal myself with sound?

By producing the right sounds, you can tune yourself with healing vibrations. There are many different techniques and forms of healing. Please talk to a trained sound healer or sound therapist to find the sound healing techniques best suited for your needs. 

Does sound therapy work for anxiety?

Sound therapy meditation can increase brain serotonin (a type of natural ‘feel good chemical) which helps in preventing anxiety and depression. 

So, yes! Sound healing therapy can work better than any painkillers or anti-anxiety drugs.

What is the difference between sound healing and sound therapy?

Both sound healing and sound therapy make use of different facets of sounds for therapeutic benefits. 

Sometimes these words are used interchangeably along with sound bath therapy, sound vibration therapy, sound healing meditation etc. While they aren’t very different from each other, they have their subtle differences. 

Sound therapy is used in clinics to provide physical and psychological benefits whereas sound healing is more far-reaching and spiritual. 

While sound healing uses specific frequencies of sound waves alongside methods like guided imagery, sound therapy focuses on using a mixture of natural sounds (e.g., soothing music, the sounds of a river, birds etc.) along with music to induce a desired emotional response. 

Some practitioners consider sound healing to be a treatment option under the master category of sound therapy.  

How do I prepare for a sound bath?

There are no formal rules on how to prepare for sound bath therapy. Besides wearing appropriate clothes, you just have to arrive a bit early to sit down and relax, to temporarily detach yourself from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Also, stay hydrated before the session because sound waves can easily pass through water. Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

Avoid having heavy meals at least two hours before the session. Don’t wear heavy jewelry.

Who benefits from sound therapy?

Anyone who wants to improve their physical, mental, and spiritual health can enjoy the advantages of sound healing sessions. 

Sound frequency therapy helps to achieve a state of calm, balance, and relaxation. It has shown positive results in repairing our energies and treating ailments such as:  

  • Depression
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Pains and aches (like migraine)

Sound healing treatments have also made people feel better who have PTSD, dementia, and even some cancers.

How long do sound baths last?

A sound bath session usually lasts for 45 to 60 minutes and is guided by a trained sound bath practitioner.

How effective is sound healing?

Research shows that the auditory and vibratory inputs used in sound healing therapy can aid in reducing stress and coping with anxiety. 

Moreover, scientists from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) have revealed how sound can be used to relieve pain by causing some changes in the neural circuits of the brain.

So, yes! In recent years, many studies have been carried out that prove that sound baths or sound therapy can be effective for healing.   

What is the purpose of using sound therapy?

The main purpose of sound therapy is to improve overall health and well-being. By using soothing sounds, the sessions are designed to balance your chakras and replenish your energy. 

Sound therapy provides surprising benefits in 

  • Reducing stress 
  • Preventing mood swings 
  • Managing blood pressure and cholesterol 
  • Managing pain 
  • Improving sleep quality 
  • Decreasing risk of heart disease and strokes 

What is a sound healing practitioner?

A sound healing practitioner/therapist is a person who is trained to use a range of sound healing methods and also has experience in providing individual and group healing experiences using various sound healing tools such as Tibetan singing bowls, tingsha bells etc.   

What happens in a sound healing session?

Please refer to this question.  

What are the different types of sound therapy?

There are different types of sound healing therapy techniques for example Tibetan bowls sound baths, Om chanting, mantra chanting meditative sound healing, using bells, Gong bath, tuning fork therapy, binaural beats, guided meditation, neurologic music therapy, vibrational sound therapy etc. 

What is inner sound meditation?

Inner sound meditation is a practice in which you meditate by listening to the sound coming from deep within and also learning to merge yourself into the cosmic consciousness. 

This can be achieved by withdrawing yourself from all the external stimuli (e.g., sounds outside) and paying attention only to your inner sound. A personalized sound therapy session can create the atmosphere you need to be in touch with your inner self and indulge in inner sound meditation.   

What are chakra sounds?

Our body has seven major energy centers or chakras. These centers are responsible for circulating Prana (life energy) across the body. To keep these chakras balanced, it is important to create unity between your physical and mental states. 

Chakra sounds are a series of sounds with several tonal variations, chanted like mantras or soulfully vocalized to stimulate these chakras.    

If you’re interested in learning more about sound healing and how it can improve our health, consult a certified professional sound healer or sound therapist. 

With extensive knowledge, experience, and training she/he can optimally address your unique concerns and provide a personalized sound therapy session aimed at your specific needs.


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